• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Motorsports: Sports Minister appoints committee to probe rider Wedisinghe's fatal accident


Minster of  Sports, Dayasiri Jayasekara, has appointed a special committee to probe the motor accident that caused the death of veteran rider Ananda Wedisinghe. 

The committee appointed by Minister Jayasekara today (2), will be headed by the Ministry of Sports Advisor Milton Amarasinghe. 

"The committee will consist of four more high profile individuals under the leadership of Mr. Amarasinghe. The Minister wants a serious and thorough investigation on how Mr. Ananda Wedisinghe met with the accident and incidents that followed," a Ministry of Sports press release said. 

Former motorsports riding champion Wedisinghe (47) passed away at the Kandy National Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on Monday (29), after spending over four weeks in a coma state.

Wedisinghe met with an accident in the Group Super Motard 450cc Class race at the Nuwara Eliya Road Race held on April 23. 

Wedisinghe was unconscious for over five weeks and survived with the help of a Life Support Machine during the entire time he was hospitalised. 

Wedisinghe's Japanese wife Rumi and his four children were finding possible ways to fly him to Japan where the family is settled, but their attempt turned futile after failing to raise the needed Rs. 39Million. 

The Nuwara Eliya Road Race has been under scrutiny unlike other motorsport events held in various parts due to safety and medical recovery reasons. 

On April 20, 2008 driver Dilshan Bandaranayake experienced a similar accident on his Austin Mini, which was fatal. 

Since then the race was not granted the required clearance at times by the Ministry of Sports and at times by the Nuwara Eliya Police. 

Even motorsport experts raise concerns of the safety, which many were of the view that did not meet the required levels.

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