Kalasuri Jayasiri Semage will hold his first art exhibition in Muscat, Oman at the invitation of an organization of Sinhala expatriates. Other artists taking part in the exhibition are Sri Lankans working in Oman.
Kalasuri Jayasiri Semage |
As guest artist at the exhibition, Kalasuri Semage will display 20 paintings done in oil on canvas and acrylic.
The exhibition will be attended by a host of foreign ambassadors, their staff, artists, Sri Lankan expatriates and art lovers. The keynote address will be delivered by Kalasuri Semage.
Newspapers in Oman have already given wide publicity to the event. In view of the cultural ethos in Oman and other Middle Eastern countries, Kalasuri Semage has changed his style of painting sensual brush strokes. Paintings of bare breasted women engaged in various activities in rural areas of Sri Lanka, will not be acceptable and Oman authorities have asked him to submit photographs of the paintings for approval before the exhibition.
This is a new experience for Kalasuri Semage who has held several successful exhibitions in many parts of the world. “I have accepted the challenge of painting for a different segment of art lovers in Oman. I have no difficulty or unwillingness to change my style of painting if it really matters. An artist should be able to face such challenges from time to time,” Semage said.
“My paintings have appealed to art lovers in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, Finland, and Japan because of their Sri Lankan identity. I am always prepared to cater to the needs of art lovers in Middle East countries where cultural norms are different from those of ours,” said Kalasuri Semage who has been hailed as a cultural ambassador.
The forthcoming exhibition will be another landmark of Kalasuri Jayasiri Semage who has risen from a humble newspaper illustrator to an internationally acclaimed Sri Lankan painter. |