French animation movie based on the world renowned Belgium comic of Georges Remi, better known as Hergé, directed by Stéphane Bernasconi ‘Tintin : Les 7 boules de cristal’ will be screened at 6.30 pm on Wednesday April 15 at Alliance Francaise, Barnes Place, Colombo-7.
The Tintin series is about the young reporter Tintin and his dog Snowy. For some reason, everywhere he comes Tintin is getting into trouble. He’s travelling all over the world and whenever it gets naughty Tintin can count on his loyal friends, like Captain Haddock, General Alcazar and the young Chinese boy Chang.
‘Tintin : Les 7 boules de cristal’ revolves around a mysterious illness is afflicting members of an archaeological expedition recently returned from the Andes, where they had unearthed the tomb of the Inca, Rascar Capac.