As you are aware, the first Buddhist school (mixed) which was established in 1909 in Ratnapura was named as ‘Sivali School’.
This year, we, the proud Sivalians are ready to celebrate our golden jubilee.
The Principal, Staff and Students, School Development Society, Colombo Past Pupils Association, 74-84 Past Pupils Society, 85-95 Past Pupils Society, 96-2006 Past Pupils Society join hands with the Sivali Past Pupils Association to celebrate this event on a grand scale.
Arrangements are being made to have an exhibition from September 21-25, 2009 with the participation of students of our school as well as schools in Ratnapura area, government/ non-governmental institutes, universities, army, navy, air force, police etc…
The cultural programmes, seminars, debates quiz programmes, etc...will also be held each day.
The national celebration day of Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara, the Father of the Central School Concept, which falls on September 23, 2009 would also be celebrated.
We the Sivali Past Pupils Association have already begun a fund raising project to make this event a great success and we eagerly look forward to your active participation. Financial assistance will be very much appreciated and your donations could be sent to our account at People's Bank Ratnapura A/c 088 100120008789. You can also help us introducing sponsors, institutes etc…