During an earlier era the Kalpitiya area was famous for its production of dried fish.
However today, the area despite its sandy soil and arid climatic condition, is better known for its production of fruits and vegetables.
This unbelievable change is solely due to the untiring efforts of the farming community who have transformed the once arid area into a lush orchard.
Around 8,000 families live in the area extending from Mampuri to Thalawila via Ethalai, Norochcholai, Kalkudah and Senapola. Today an extent of 2,500 hectares are covered with vegetable cultivation while another 300 hectares are cultivated with a variety of fruits.
A land cultivated with papaw. |
According to farmers the agricultural development in the area has led to the creation of around 30,000 job opportunities.
The economic centre at Norochcholai has proved a boon to the farmers as they are able to dispose of their products at the centre.
Around 100 tons of vegetable are said to be traded on a daily basis with buyers from all over the country patronizing the centre.
However farmers complain that despite their best efforts, they receive no help from the state.
Reginald Christie a businessman in the area said subsidized fertilizer was not made available to the community, adding urea cost Rs. 4,000.
B.M. Mubarak who has been farming for the past ten years lamented saying a kg of papaw brought in only Rs. 32, whereas the cost of a 10 grams of seed cost Rs. 7,500 . He said the exorbitant cost of seed was because it was imported from Thailand.
He also complained agriculture officers never visited the area and they had no one to turn to for advice.
A guava farmer said the cultivation of the fruit was very expensive with cost of production rising to around 15 lakh. while the selling price per kg at times was less than Rs. 5.
He complained on one occasion over 5,000 fruit were lost due to pest attacks. He too complained that they received no advice or help from the agriculture department.
The director of Agriculture Puttalam said he had no idea of the problems faced by the farmers at Kalpitiya. He suggested the farmers contact the agriculture department at Kalkudah and added he would look into their grievances. |