For those of you who have just completed Operational, Management and Strategic Levels, a sense of relief has probably taken over the feeling of nerves and exam pressure. It is however, time to enroll for the new session and face off 5 more months of intense study to ensure full preparation for the November 2011 exams. "So where should I start the next stage….." is a probable question running through your mind at this point.
Pravinth Rajaratnam, Director and Star Lecturer at Imperial College and recently appointed Member of the Manipal University Board of Study |
An Interview with Pravinth Rajaratnam, Director and Star Lecturer at Imperial College and recently appointed Member of the Manipal University Board of Study will convince you to look no further. This is what he had to say.
Q:How long has Imperial College been around?
We have a history of about 26 years, pretty much during the inception of CIMA in Sri Lanka.
Do you run any other courses?
No! Our focus is on CIMA, and educating CIMA students not just in Colombo, but in several parts of Sri Lanka and overseas (India and Bangladesh).
Are there many promotional campaigns to establish your presence in the market, for instance like publishing pass rates?
I can proudly say that without a doubt, Imperial College has the best lecturer panel in town. With each lecturer at the Operational and Management Levels specialising in each of the pillars, you will find that, under our guidance not only do you get the best of teaching and a host of practical examples, but you will gain the confidence you need to sit the exam. The fact that we have the best lecturer panel in town, in my opinion does not need any promotion. At the end of the day we are in the business of education, and I think excessive advertising and promotion such as large banners and cutouts of lecturers cheapens the quality of education. My team and I share the view of not wanting to look like politicians, especially when it comes to education.
What about World and Sri Lankan Prizes? Have there been many prizes credited to lecturers?
Our students have bagged several prizes over the last few years, and have made us proud. In fact for the November 2010 session, we had a student who won the Sri Lankan prize for Enterprise Strategy. She also got the award for the highest aggregate in Sri Lanka at the Strategic Level. At imperial College, we credit the student for their achievements, and not the lecturer. Yes it is us who guide students towards that and provide extra coaching, but it is the student's exceptional effort that wins them that prize. Crediting the lecturer with a student's achievement is like stripping the glory from the student.
What does Imperial College do to encourage students to start or continue with CIMA?
We do our part in encouraging students to take on higher education. Apart from offering scholarships to students new to CIMA and existing CIMA students there are a number of other elements. To celebrate our success in Sri Lanka and the international market, we have the following on offer for CIMA Students.
Free Pass Guarantee
As part of our exclusive offer, Imperial College now offers students a "free pass guarantee" (conditions apply). Attend 90% of the classes, attempt the 2 scheduled mock exams over the session, meet a target for the 2nd mock exam, and you are eligible for the "free pass guarantee". This guarantee ensures that you pass your exam if the above conditions are met, or else you are entitled to follow classes for that subject in the following session free of cost.
Strategic Level offer
Having completed the Operational and Management Levels, students embark upon one of the toughest Levels in the CIMA Curriculum, the strategic Level. It is deemed tougher simply because all 3 subjects need to be attempted at the first sitting and there is no option of taking just one or two subjects. With the common pre seen it is important that students get the views of 3 different lecturers on how the pre seen material relates to each subject at this level. In order to offer students the 'best', Imperial College has an interesting offer for existing and new students enrolling for the Strategic Level. Register for any 2 of the 3 subjects, and you will be offered the 3rd subject at no cost.
For University students
Over the last several years, employment has become competitive, and securing a good job means having more than just one qualification at a fairly young age. Students find themselves having to pursue two qualifications at the same time in order to remain competitive. Imperial College understands the importance of education to survive in the world today and have a special twofold offer for students attending university and following CIMA at the same time. Firstly, every university student pursuing CIMA at Imperial College will be entitled to a 25% discount (conditions apply). Secondly special catch up classes will be organised for students attending the compulsory government training camp for university entrance in June 2011. University students can now do CIMA without having to worry about missing about 3 weeks of classes and being able to catch up.
With a superb panel of lecturers, unrivalled study support, question practice classes, mock exams, exclusive revision programmes, and of course all of the above, make your decision today.
Be amongst the many students who choose 'the best'. Be a part of Imperial College and you will stand the best chance at success. Could this get any better? |