On 8th November, the Interact Club of Asian International School organized a visit to the Ranaviru Sevana 'Shelter for War Heroes' in Dehiwala. Fifty interactors and three teachers visited Mihindu Seth Madura. The project was chaired by Interactor Pradeen Bhartiban.
Each soldier was garlanded with flowers by the Interactors in recognition of their heroism during the war. The day's proceedings began with an entertainment programme organized by the students. This included three dance items and two songs while one Interactor played the guitar.
Following this, refreshments were served to the soldiers, especially cake and fizzy drinks requested by the soldiers. This gave students an opportunity to interact with the heroes of the war. They talked about their experiences and families and enlightened the young students of their deeds. This was followed by an engaging game of carrom. The soldiers then sang and danced with the Interact members.
The wonderful day ended when t-shirts were handed out to the brave soldiers. These t-shirts were sponsored by Mobitel. Students expressed their gratitude towards the Ranaviru Sevana for giving them the opportunity to spend a day with these courageous men who had saved the country from annihilation; and ended the programme by singing the National Anthem.
Colonel Vajira Kariyanwasam and Major Janaka Kottalawela thanked ICAIS for all its efforts. Interactor Nuwan thanked the members of the house, on behalf of Asian International School.
An open forum was conducted and the soldiers spoke of what a wonderful day they had had and expressed hope that the Interactors would return soon, which the latter hope to do during Christmas.
The happy group |
Interactors Laila & Zahara and a soldier share a light moment |
Interactors & soldiers play carrom |
Interactor Laksith feeding a soldier |