This school born on 5th January 2004 had small beginnings .It was founded by Mr.M.M.Jameel and Mrs.T. Jameel , Chairman & vice chairperson of Hal groups Ltd. . With the guidance and direction of two able Principals Mrs.Faleela .B. Jurangpathy and Mrs.Fowziya Rasif the school showed signs of quick progress. The school took a big leap forward when the present principal Mrs.N.M.Junaid, former Vice Principal of Muslim Ladies College took over the helm in April 2011.Since then a lot of new things have been introduced. Curricular & co - curricular activities were given a lot more attention. Out door games , indoor games and clubs have been formed to improve the dormant talents and abilities of the children.
Recently they had their Awards Day cum Talent Display.
The Deputy Minister for Research & Technology Hon. Faiszer Musthapha and Madam Rifa Musthapha were the chief guests. They started the day's proceedings with a peace song heralding unity and peace for students of all three communities studying here. It was followed by a skit from the story "Pride goes before a fall " a story written by Mrs.Manel Weeresekera an English teacher of the school. The classical Tamil dance display by the girls was a treat for sore eyes. A folk dance in Sinhala was staged by the boys of the school.
The academic achievements of the students were recognized by awarding them with substantial gift vouchers and Trophies . The tutorial staff of the school is well equipped with qualified professional teachers. They do a massive job in not only giving the students academic knowledge but also inculcating good moral habits & leadership qualities in them.
A few scholarship have been given to some needy children .The school aims to send out to society not only academic dons but young men & women who have humane qualities who would share and care for the society.
Mrs. Kareema Siddeek
Vice Principal
City High School
The Chief Guest Mr.Faiszer Musthapha the Hon.Minister of Technology & Research and Madam Rifa Musthapha being welcomed by the chairman of the school Mr. M.M. Jameel and the Principal Mrs.N.M.Junaid. |
Students receiving Awards from Madam Rifa Musthapha & Madam Principal Mrs. N.M. Junaid. |
A Sinhala folk dance staged by the boys of City High School. |
Students receiving Awards from the Chief Guest Hon. Faiszer Musthapha |