"Facienthes Veritatem Et Caritate" - Called to Duty in Truth and Love, St. Paul's Balika Maha Vidyalaya in Waragoda, Kelaniya is the only Catholic Girls' school in Kelaniya. Established in 1935, the School had achieved the status of one of the leading Government schools in the region, celebrating its diamond jubilee last year (2010). Initiated as St. Paul's English school, by Very Rev. Father M.J. Le Goc OMI, a French missionary and 4th Rector of St. Joseph's College, Colombo 10, the purpose of the establishment was to educate Catholic children in the area of Kelaniya - a well-known Buddhist region. At the beginning, the school accommodated a student body of 35, both girls and boys.
Sister M. Siyeni A.C. |
The school flourished under the guidance of Mrs. Pearl Gunawardana, the first principal of the school. An interesting historical detail - the school provided education to the students of St. Joseph's College during the Second World War, when schools in Colombo had to be shut down. However, in 1945, the school was handed over to the Sisters of Apostolic Carmel. On January 12, 1946, the ceremonial opening of the convent under the name St. Paul's English School for Girls took place.
The first superior of the convent was Sister Leocrice and the first sister principal of the school was Sister Mary Joseph. The school was registered as a Government school in 1960. In 1966, the school was up graded to a 1 AB school and was named "St Paul's Balika Maha Vidyalaya", which is how it is known to date.
The mission of St. Paul's Balika Maha Vidyalaya is to "witness Christ, the great educator who unfolded the realities of life not only by words, but more by his presence". Believing that the environment is fundamental to the making of the person, the school encourages its students to embrace cultural diversity, and is renowned for Home Economics, Aesthetic Studies, Drama and Music as well as for turning out well-disciplined young ladies. Providing primary and secondary education to 1800 students, with the aid of a 64-member staff, the school has exceptional performances. In both 2009 and 2010, 100% results were obtained for Home Science, Christianity and Dancing at the G.C.E. A/L.
The Commerce section of the school is in high gear, producing astounding results year after year with its students qualifying for university entrance in numbers. In the Arts stream, English Literature and French were introduced as options in the year 2010, and the first batch of students sat for the A/L in these subjects in August this year. In the G.C.E O/L, 100% of students have passed in Christianity, Geography, Art, Eastern Music, Western Music and Drama; while over 90%, results were obtained for Catholicism, Buddhism, Sinhala, History, Business Studies, Dancing, Home Science, Information Technology and Health.
In extra-curricular activities, the Paulines have earned a reputation in National Western music and dancing competitions through national achievements. In Eastern music, in flute and harmonica playing, the students have achieved 1st and 2nd places nationally. In group dancing, the All-island 1st place has been awarded to the school for two consecutive years, and the dancing troupe is prepared to face the Provincial level after being placed first in the zonal level in 2011. The Paulines have excelled in sports as well, competing in Provincial level competitions in Volleyball, Netball and Athletics. Each year a remarkable number of students participate in English language competitions and win zonal and provincial level awards.
The Paulines have made a name for themselves in the Sinhala literary competitions as well, competing in provincial level and national level events each year.
Thriving under a dedicated Past Pupils' Association and the current Sister Principal Sister M. Siyeni A.C. since 2009, St. Paul's Balika Maha Vidyalaya remains a shelter of teaching true values of life, producing generations of young ladies of worth to both the country as well as to the family. |