Badulla Tamil Girls Maha Vidyalaya (TGMV- well known as convent) is a well reputed Girls’ School in the Uva Province. It has a long remarkable history spanning nearly 100 years, playing a major role in the educational achievements of the Tamil Community. It is the citadel of Tamil Culture. The students are inculcated with the Tamil way of life, high discipline, unstinted dedication and excellent character. The scholarly principals, the high calibre of teachers, and their dedicated services in the past and the present, has thrust the College into the forefront of education in Sri Lanka.
Mrs. T.Selvaratnam |
Ninety-Five-years have passed since the founding of TGMV and still the College stands aloft as the premier Hindu Institution in the Province, where generations of students who have passed through its portals are spread all over the world, distinguishing themselves in whatever vocation they are engaged in. Wherever they are, they reflect the discipline, dedication and character inculcated in them during their student days.
In 1916, Sister Mood established the school as a Catholic mixed school, as boys studied up to Grade 5, and there were all 3 mediums. In 1963, the school was taken over by the government and named as Tamil Girls High School, which later became Tamil Girls Maha Vidyalaya. The first principal was Mrs.R.Gnanamuttu. Then the school came under 1C category, later a 1AB school after the A/L science stream started in 2007. The present principal is Mrs. T. Selvaratnam.
All Island Winners |
The college, with 60 teachers, and over 1300 students, strives to maintain the high standards it has set. The college is very ably assisted, by the management, in their endeavours to realise its cherished mission and vision. Today, TGMV is well on its path of lighting the candle of knowledge and wisdom to the future generations personifying its vision, “Quality Education; Healthy Society”
The school’s friendly environment produces positive attitudes in clear minds to produce good results. TGMV improved each year by producing good results at Grade 5 scholarships, GCE (OL) and GCE (AL). Number of university entrants increased.
The students of TGMV shine at public examinations with excellent results. This year, 17 students got through the Grade 5 scholarships examination. The school has maintained excellent academic records in GCE (OL) and GCE (AL) examinations and has produced many of the undergraduates from Badulla District for local universities annually.
School Band |
TGMV has a well equipped science lab and a computer lab with 20 computers. Annually, students participate in Software contests and obtain many awards.
The English Unit is successful with a well organized English Activity Room. The Junior Drama group participated at the All Island level in 2009, and the two English teachers have gone to the UK under the Global School Partnership Programme. Also two teachers from the UK, Mr. Gareth Morland and Mrs .K Jonsons made a visit in February 2011.
Mrs. S. Rewathy |
Since 2006, there has been rapid improvement in aesthetic activities. Students have been outstanding at the All Island Dancing and Music competitions under the guidance of Mrs Y. Vivekanandan and Mrs K. Ganeshamoorthy. The Thai Pongal celebration, Sinhala-Hindu New Year celebration, Saraswathi Pooja, and “Meelad-un-Nabi” celebration are some of the cultural activities of the students.
The environment at the TGMV is well organized, which won 5th place in the “6 S” Project. It was awarded a Certificate of Excellence under the Green Forest Association sponsored by the Bank of Ceylon.
The students of TGMV excelled in Language Day, Dancing, Art, Band competitions winning Provincial and National level medals for the school.
The pillars behind the success of the school are the present principal Mrs. T. Selvaratnam and the dedicated group staff. The present principal and one of the teachers of the primary section Mrs S. Revathy won the “Prathiba Prabha Pranama” President's award as the best Tamil Principal and teacher of 1 AB schools in the Badulla Educational Zone.
The success of the school is not the product of an individual, but that of a body of dedicated and hardworking staff whose commitment and application has laid an unshakable foundations. All these efforts inculcate human values, improves the calibre of the students and motivates them to reach higher standards, thereby fulfilling the vidsion and mission of the school. |