The Parliamentary Scholarship Board set up in 2002, to fund Sri Lankans engaged in higher studies and research, will be abolished, as it has become a “white elephant’, Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody announced in Parliament yesterday.
Draft legislation to repeal the Parliamentary Scholarship Act has been prepared and will be presented to Parliament shortly, Mr Weerakkody said in response to a query by National List MP A.H.M. Azwer, as to why the Board was continuing to function, while not serving any useful purpose. The Deputy Speaker said that the Speaker has taken note of the fact that the Board has become a place for drawing salaries and other remunerations for its members, but with no benefits for the public.
Funds for the Parliament Scholarship Board are voted in under the annual Parliament Budget, and comprises three members and a secretary.
Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe said that, before legislation is introduced to Parliament, the matter must be discussed with party leaders. |