Celebrating the past and learning for the future, the History Union of the Asian International School organised their first History Day for the Middle School recently. The event included a variety of presentations from plays, models, speeches and costumes and the best teams were awarded prizes and certificates.
Grades from 1 to 3 presented a cross section of events from world history that has shaped our present day.
Form 1 classes were given the theme of empires and they explored the Persian, Roman, Islamic, Mongol, Spanish and British Empires among others.
While form 3 students took a look at the famous wars in world history including World War I and II, the American Civil War, and Vietnam War.
Studying the subject of history is a great way of learning from the past to understand our present better. Asian International School has a strong History Union which hopes to encourage students to look at history in an interesting light.
“We want the students to go beyond their curriculum,” says Amali Meepe, Head of History at the school. Many students have the impression of history being a boring subject that is irrelevant to their career ambitions. However, the teachers at AIS believe that this is one subject that helps develop perspective and a deeper sense of understanding of events that take place in our world even today. “After all, history always repeats itself.” |