• Last Update 2024-07-01 19:39:00

Colimbo Equities on Tuesday snaps the four-day winning streak


Colimbo Equities fell on Tuesday, snapping the four-day winning streak as profit taking halted the upward drive on the Colombo Bourse, analysts said.

 In the opening hours, main index advanced to 7,345 mark but failed to continue the positive momentum and closed 26.54 index points or 0.36 per cent below at 7,310.05 while 20-scrip S&P SL index declined by 16.06 index points (-0.39% per cent per cent) to end at 4,072.63.

 Index heavy counters such as Ceylon Tobacco Company, John Keells Holdings and Commercial Leasing & Finance drove the index performance to negative territory.

Daily market turnover reached to Rs. 1.6 billion underpinned by several crossings recorded in John Keells Holdings (1.9  million shares at Rs. 191.00-191.50), Hemas Holdings (0.6mn shares at Rs. 95.00) and Seylan Bank (0.2million shares at Rs. 108.20). Aggregate value of crossings represented 28per cent) of the total turnover.

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