• Last Update 2024-07-01 19:39:00

Colombo equities gain on blue chips


Colombo equities on Tuesday brushed off losses made on Monday as blue chips helped lead the market higher, analysts said.

The main All Share Index recouped and touched a high of 7,275.45 before settling at 7,261.07 with a gain of 13.84 index points or 0.19 per cent. The S&P SL 20 Index edged high by 10.22 index points or 0.25 per cent to close at 4,077.89.

Diversified Holdings Sector managed to record the highest turnover of nearly Rs. 358.7 million for the day, followed by the Manufacturing Sector and the Banking, Finance and Insurance Sector, with daily turnovers of Rs. 192.1 million and Rs. 182  million million respectively.

Today’s top blue-chip performers, Ceylon Tobacco,  John Keells Holdings and Aitken Spence supported the index to close higher.

The day saw turnover increase by some 0.9 per cent to Rs. 1.1 billion compared to the last trading day.

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