• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

A musical gift from Sound Scope


For audiences starved of live entertainment, ‘Beyond the Song’ – the concert presented last Sunday (27) by Sound Scope was a welcome gift - an uplifting evening of entertainment albeit with all COVID precautions stringently  followed at the venue - the Bishop’s College auditorium.

The Sound Scope musicians Nishantha Warnakulasuriya, Tilanka Jayamanne, Lydia Goonetilleke, Christo Prins and Shobi Perera joined by guest artists CC from Salvage and Melissa Pereira throughly enjoyed themselves on stage and with the synergy between them, a carefully chosen range of musical choices, from Broadway to pop and classic hits, backed by some excellent sound and lighting, it was a return to the pleasure of the live show.

(Pix and video by Sameera Weerasekera)


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