• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Indian High Commission organizers 'India@70' featuring Pandit Bickram Ghosh


To celebrate 70 years of independence of India  the Indian High Commission in Colombo is organising a programme titled - India@70.
A special event titled Rhythmscape by legendary percussion maestro Pandit Bickram Ghosh will be held  from Agust 15 - 20   at 6.45pm  at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall, Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo 7, a statement from the embassy said.

One of world's greatest Tabla maestros, Pandit Bickram Ghosh has been nominated for Oscar and many
Grammy awards. The event will also feature other celebrated artists such as Pandit Subramaniam Sekhar
on Mridangam, Pulak Sarkar on keyboard, Ambarish Das doing vocals, Abhisek Mallick on sitar, Satayajit
Mukherjee on drums and Shamik Guha Roy on percussion. Through a variety of musical instruments,
Rhythmscape will explore the journey of ancient classical Indian music to the world of contemporary
fusion music.

The line-up of events are being organized with the support of Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi; the Ministry ofInternal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs, Government of Sri Lanka.

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