• Last Update 2024-09-07 17:29:00

Int’l arrest warrant on Emil Kanthan


An international arrest warrant was issued by Colombo Magistrate Courts today on Emil Kanthan over the misappropriation funds worth Rs 124 Million belong to Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA) in 2006.

Businessman and former Parliamentarian Tiran Alles, former Chief Operating Officer (COO) Saliya Wickramasuriya and Dr. Jayantha Dias Samarasinghe were also charged under the Public Property Act, both for alleged misappropriation and breach of trust. The alloacted funds were meant for the construction of 800 housing units in Trincomalee and Batticaloa, under a project titled Jayalanka.

When the case was taken up in courts today, Emil Kanthan was not present and reportedly be in hiding. 

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