At a time, when terrorism in this country was completely annihilated, the Tamil people who suffered even more than we did, were longing for national harmony.
Even the parents of Prabhakaran, crept incognito, into the camps set up for the internally displaced people. All the lost and helpless Tamils who came into IDP camps did so without even caring for their own lives, seeking only kindness and tolerance. Our three Armed Forces and Police received the helpless with kindness and tolerance and did everything possible to make them comfortable. That was because of the benevolent attitude of the government. Within a short period of time, those refugees left for their homes in their villages. Such a thing happened only in Sri Lanka and perhaps for the first time in the world. For countries that suffer from terrorism this is a role model. It is not a secret that this was a blow for countries which make money selling arms. It is unfortunate that some have not realized the fact that Arms Dealers and Imperialists try to reverse this progress using a variety of strategies.
Today, out of these Tamil people who wished to have peace, some have begun to yearn for Eelam through different ways and means. The citizens of the country are realizing it gradually. There appears to be a plan being implemented, instead of war, using cash to acquire power through our own people. May all understand what is taking place by observing the developments. From recent developments it has become obvious that some Tamil factions have endeavoured to secure secret agreements without depending on the Government. May the attention of Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and other minority communities be drawn to this aspect of Tamils who were rescued from terrorist clutches, seeking solutions by going behind another force.
Sometime in the past, Velupillai Prabhakaran had said at a press conference that “The Sinhalese forget anything within two weeks.” It should be realized that there is some truth in that. The suffering caused by the “Hooded Executioners” in 1971 became aggravated again in 1983. Not only did the LTTE help the “Hooded Executioners”, to split the country into two but went to the length of having several secret agreements. Are there people who can remember these events?
Let us not discuss those who tried to capture power by hook or by crook and caused immense hardship on both UNPers as well as SLPers. Have those, who fought against terrorism making sacrifices, forgotten this past? Some do not know about the “Pot of Porridge of the Seven Sorcerers'', “The cunning sorcerers who were dishonest to each other expected to have the porridge made with others’ fistfuls of rice. At the end, by being dishonest to each other they had only hot water instead of porridge. But they went on pretending it was a good porridge.
It can be said now that the proverb is ideally suited to the present. There are no reasons for the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims to forget a leader, knowing well that it was he who completely annihilated the terrorism which was spreading like a forest fire. With the annihilation of Prabhakaran, no terrorist action was reported in the country. Is the victory forgotten now?
The time has come now to learn from the past and be wise for the sake of future generations without thinking only about self. Let’s leave aside differences of opinion, bear the suffering for some time more, and not allow those who have neither roots nor religion to destroy the well being received through hard work. Let us have the wisdom to act and work to build a free Sri Lanka regardless of whatever anyone may say. Let all bring back their memories of the excellent service rendered by the present President in completely annihilating terrorism, underworld gangs, reducing the revenue by putting a stop to intoxication however, without letting the pace of development down while saving the Free Trade.
Because of differences within the party in the perception of its leadership, the UNP was hesitant to confront the incumbent President in the Presidential contest and instead relied on those who were aggrieved because they did not receive anticipated benefits and some Tamil leaders who did not make headway with their demands. The second aspect is the possibility that a handful of people who give doubtful promises may rule the country with weapons, again. There are several examples in the world of such countries. “The Sinhalese fight when they are hungry and become sleepy when they are well fed” is another story coming down from history. There are no people in this country who starve, so far. Though it could happen in the future, it may be possible to have even earthworms for food as in Kampuchea.
“Hela Urumaya” was formed as an alternative. It was the UNPers who gave the approval for that. Fortunately, the emergence of wisdom among those in the Hela Urumaya is a matter to be happy about. Today green and red have become intertwined. Elephants have run away into the forests while swans may become the cranes of that generation. However democracy still prevails in the country. The incumbent President has protected that.
The Court Jester — Andare said “Son now it is only earth in the mouths, you and I should just try to pretend it’s sugar”. So that although we have got into trouble due to the unlimited freedom we’ve had, that freedom should be safeguarded even by tightening our bellies by tying a coconut husk. Let’s get rid of our weaknesses and be united and grateful and save Sri Lanka for the future generation. There is an election closing in on us to crush the power and punish politicians. Let’s be ready for the contest. Let the status of the Sinhalese who protected Buddhism be protected in the same manner while allowing all minorities to have their freedoms preserved. Let’s not allow foreign forces to grab this country again, and realize the fact that the terrorists who still have terrorist ideas are trying to raise their heads.
If the present President and his family are thieves it can be proved using the media and other forums and platforms. Today democracy has been preserved and enjoyed by all. We heard the Leader of the Opposition saying he would enforce Emergency Law and catch the thieves. When he had the power, why did he not be do it? We thought emergency law was needed to control terrorism. Extending it for other purposes could end in the destruction of the freedom of the people.
Pickles are given only when all other items have been tried. Now all those in the Opposition have taken the pickle and do not feel any taste or quality. The past is forgotten, those who lived in High Security Zones in fear of death have no fear now. What the thieves have done should be proved with reasonable evidence. As the saying goes, in everyone’s betel compact there is lime, all will have something they cannot get rid of. But in the process it may even happen that all the thieves will become saints and make the innocent people into thieves.
In this country, for both, the ruling party and the opposition, there is much to learn. Waste and corruption then and now are the same. Not only the people, but even politicians forward their demands. They only make their lives more comfortable though there may be a few concerned about the common people. The only great man who left his position of the Minister of Finance was M.D.H. Jayawardena. The person who threw away the position of Prime Minister was Dudley Senanayake. There is no other who did a thing like that.
The shortcomings of the present government are many. However the day that Mahinda Rajapaksa is not there, people would say he was right and the reasons being the necessity to keep persons from several parties together, protect the government, win a war, overcome economic constraints and challenges from several countries and stand firm and forge ahead without being scared to crush terrorism. The Japanese had courage to do Harakiri but we do not have such self confidence. All those who were almost short of killing R. Premadasa are praising him now. We must be thankful to Mahinda Rajapaksa for doing what he did in such a short period of time in a country like ours where lies, lethargy, bribes and selfishness reign.
The General Election is round the corner. We honestly request all leaders of political parties to present efficient and honest persons to carry out the work left by empowering Parliament not just by two thirds but absolutely and completely. Let the party organizations at least now nominate suitable persons to become the Organizers to fill the vacant positions. But the dishonest ones who changed sides seem to flourish.
The intelligence needed to recognize whether such “Side Shifters” are just wax dolls or not, has been pushed under by the greed that prevails.
We are convinced that it was the Commander-in-Chief who washed terrorism away. The accusers have been unable to prove the allegation that the Rajapaksas are thieves. But the Rajapaksas have proved that they defeated the terrorism in the country, and have invited openly to prove if they are thieves.
We are happy that terrorism that could have continued as an everlasting plague was defeated. Now what is left for all is to show prowess and rebuild the
Nation. |