• Last Update 2025-02-09 01:42:00

FEATURE: Ray of Sunshine – Train Your Brain for a Fulfilling Life!


By Timothy A. Edward

Mental activities, different types of stimulation and physical exercise, do help various regions of the brain to become active and develop. Think for a moment. Different exercises help develop different muscles in our bodies. For example, doing push-ups will develop our arm muscles.  In the same way, the latest frontiers in brain science say that certain exercises help different places in our brain to become active and develop.  Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but brain health is far more profitable, making us fit both today and every day.  

Reading Books

When reading a book, the eye works like a camera, but it is the brain that differentiates whether what we are reading is a letter, colour, a picture or a face. In the same way, when we hear something, the ear collects the sound and sends it to the brain.  Then, it becomes the job of the brain to differentiate the sound, whether it is music, language or some other sound. When reading, both hemispheres of the brain are hard at work, enhancing cognitive function. Reading aloud too produces a lot of activity in the brain.  

Listening to Music

Interestingly, when we listen to music, only a small area of the brain which governs listening is intensively active.  No wonder when we listen to music we tend to relax, since the rest of the brain is in a relaxed state. Activities like listening to soft music tend to strengthen neural pathways, promoting mental health.

When we read and listen to a spoken language, the prefrontal cortex, which is located just behind our forehead, becomes active.  It is said that the prefrontal cortex is the most important part of the brain. So, it becomes important that we keep it active, through our regular reading and listening. It is essential that we fill our minds by reading and listening to things that are true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; all of which will ensure mental engagement through positive thinking and meditation for cognitive wellness.   

Solving calculations and problems

While carrying out simple calculations, many parts in both sides of the brain are active. When we do complex calculations and word problems, the prefrontal cortex, which is the most important section in the brain for thinking and learning, becomes active. In other words, simple calculations activate many parts of the brain, while complex problems engage the prefrontal cortex more deeply.

By learning repeatedly, we can keep the brain active and build stronger brains. In short, studying activates the brain. Through study and repetition, we can build the mental resilience in our brains to solve any problem. The neuroplasticity concept underscores that repetitive learning and problem-solving strengthen brain resilience.

Body Movements

Even when we do simple activities like reading a book or typing, our brains are as busy as a bee doing a number of tasks. How much more when we are involved in physical activities?

Do you know the brain consumes the most food in the body? Although the brain is often compared to a computer, even the most advanced robot using the latest AI technology is no match for the human brain. All this confirms, we are most definitely fearfully and wonderfully made.  That is why human life is so valuable.  This is the reason why all the wars around the world need to come to an immediate halt.  True, we have our differences, and we have the right to defend our countries.  But, at what cost? Certainly not at the cost of innocent children, helpless women, and the elderly and weak who are in the twilight years of their lives.  If we unitedly resolve to use our brains, then we can most certainly find lasting solutions to the problems our world is plagued with.  

As seen, brain activity underscores the need for both mental and physical exercises to maintain a sharp and healthy mind, and the importance of using our cognitive powers for peaceful and constructive purposes. Recognising the value of human life, we should seek peaceful solutions to global conflicts, cherishing the incredible capabilities of the human brain.   



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