Most developed countries are taking a "heightened" interest in what entrepreneurship can contribute to a country's wealth creation, according to Gill Westaway, the local Country Director of the British Council.
She also added that the UK has introduced entrepreneurship classes in schools to teach children from an early age to become more enterprising.
As such, the local British Council will be holding a summit to promote local entrepreneurship on March 5 at the Galadari Hotel in Colombo. Titled "Looking Forward", the event expects to foster a sustainable entrepreneurship culture by benchmarking local efforts of promoting entrepreneurship with international best practices.
Featuring speakers such as the Chief of the UK's National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship, Ian Robertson; Vice Chancellor of Uva Wellassa University, Chandra Embuldeniya; and Chair of Enterprise Educators UK, Simon Brown; the summit will offer insights on topics as diverse as "how corporates will benefit by supporting enterprise education via increase in entrepreneurship and creation of more employable graduates", "the benefits companies can gain by working with universities and supporting enterprise education, such as outsourcing their research, intellectual input and other requirements to these universities", and "the role companies can play to incubate ideas, such as funding start ups and holding shares in the company, etc.” |