D.S. Senanayake College Colombo 7 which has gained a reputation from its inception in 1967 as a disciplined school in the island maintains one of the best primary in the country.
The primary section of D.S. Senanayake College has been categorized as a model primary by the Department of Education.
It has provided the children with the best of facilities with the assistance of parents, e.g. the state-of-the-art computer room, the Arunalu building for aesthetic studies, the swimming pool and the Carbon Neutral project.

Dr. Asoka Senani Hewage
Principal of D.S. Senanayake College |
The brainchild behind the success of these projects is the Principal Dr. Asoka Senani Hewage. The facilities provided for the children at school are some of the best in the island. The Principal Dr. Asoka Senani Hewage stated that discipline originates from Grade One.
If we can inculcate discipline to the children in Grade One, then the rest of his career in school will be disciplined.
The primary which has a student population of 1500 is headed by an efficient Principal Mrs. Nishanthi Amarasooriya whose guidance, patience, tolerance, devotional and inspiring attention extended to the children has brought fame to the school as one of the best in the island. Mrs. Nishanthi Amarasooriya says that the new teaching method is being done with the objective of developing children to cope with the requirement of rapidly changing environment.
A dramatic pageant for the primary sector known as "ARUNALU" concert has been introduced to the children 10 years ago by the Principal Dr. Asoka Senani Hewage. The concert has been designed to allow all children in the primary to participate in many activities.
Singing, dancing and debating are some of the events of the concert designed to develop a child's ability to perform on stage. It relieves them of stage and psychological fear as they grow up.
Added to the many activities to develop the primary sector is the introduction of CARBON NEUTRAL project "The go green project". The project consists several phases to give a green culture to the primary sector of the school through a mixture of environment friendly improvements to the infrastructure and "Best Practices" to be installed in the students.
a. A rain walk to connect all main buildings that will also include flower beds.
b. Construction of a "Quadrangle" open air meeting place-with shade giving trees and a waterfall" to bring tranquility and aesthetic harmony.
c. Four different types of mini garden to improve the facade in front of the classrooms and provide an interaction point with others.
d. An adventure park/ play area to help with skills development.
e. A new mini basketball court.
f. Upgrading the washing room and toilets to the standard of British schools.
The aim of many projects that would be undertaken by the school development society is to give the children an environment closer to nature and free of pollution says the secretary to SDS Mr. Anil Karunaratne.
There is also a vegetable and fruit garden adjacent to the primary, which will complement the new surroundings as children see a school gradually transformed into a greener verdant environment. Under this project the children will be taught to maintain a home garden, grow trees, and keep the environment clean. D.S. Senanayake College primary maintains a well equipped sickroom with doctors on duty on a daily basis.
The chairman of the medical committee a leading doctor at Lady Ridgway Hospital Dr. Sandya Gunawardena provides all medical facilities to the children with a clear concept "Health of the children is the wealth of the Nation".
The education development society headed by Mr. Dhananjaya Rubasinghe has installed many projects known as "Brain Developments Projects" for the children to develop intelligence under the vision twenty programme of the school. |